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The meeting is to be organised at the Faculty of Sciences of the

University of Pécs

which will celebrate its

650th anniversary in 2017.

Pécs is the fifth largest city in Hungary, situated at the

South-West of the country.

Its rich history dates back several thousand years when the area was inhabited by Celts.

Where Pécs now stands, several Roman wineproducing colonies were established in the early 2nd century, under the collective name of Sopianae.

King Louis the Great founded the first university of Hungary here in 1367.


To promote and foster a culture of research-excellence and good practice in Plant UV Research through the organisation of innovative events in research, public engagement and education.

To provide channels for members to inform the Plant UV Research community about relevant activities or events of common interest.

To enhance the usefulness of Plant UV Research by facilitating the transfer of knowledge from academia to stakeholders and the general public.

To initiate and foster stakeholder contacts as part of an agenda of product development.

To liaise with scientific funding bodies to influence their research agenda.

To develop with its members the benefits of membership and the relevance of the Association.


UV4Plants website


Become a member


30-31 May, 2016, morning and afternoon sessions on both days, there will be no parallel sessions.

The conference will take place at the János Szentágothai Research Centre of the University of Pécs

address: Pécs, Ifjúság útja 20.



Pécs is connected to Budapest by motorway and railway.

Participants choosing air travel are advised to arrive to Budapest Liszt Ferenc Airport and chose a minibus shuttle service to reach hotels in Pécs.

Other means of transport are not only complicated and time consuming (city bus then metro to Budapest city then train to Pécs) but may not be available for late arrivals.

We recommend either Mistral or Travel4you and booking your door-to-door transportation in advance via the companies’ web site.

Both have foreign language options and the possibility of debit card payment.



Budapest is connected to the international train network. Intercity trains between Budapest and Pécs use the Keleti railway station in Budapest.

Timetables are available at here,

English and German menus are available.

From Pécs railway station, hotels and the conference venue are available using public transportation or taxis.



Motorways M6 and M60 connect Budapest and Pécs.

Vignette is needed to use of these roads!

Purchase of e-vignettes and further information are available online here.

András Viczián
Biological Research Centre, Szeged
Tissue specific signalling
Gareth Jenkins
University of Glasgow
Molecular basis of responses to UV-B
Javier Martínez Abaigar
University of La Rioja
Comparing UV research milestones
Éva Hideg
University of Pécs
Acclimation to UV via antioxidants
Pedro Aphalo
University of Helsinki
Solar UV radiation as a source of information for plants
Marcel Jansen
University College Cork
UV-B induced plant morphology
Donat Häder
Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
UV and aquatic ecosystems
Marie-Theres Hauser
University of Natural Resources
and Life Science Vienna
Trans-European Arabidopsis UV-B adaptation experiment

The official language of the conference is English.

Abstracts for oral (15 min) or poster presentation are accepted until 15 March, 2016.

Oral presentations should be prepared for single screen projection, using PowerPoint or Prezi.

Speakers wishing to use alternative presentation software should contact UV4Plants secretary at in advance.

Maximum poster size is A0, portrait format.

An ISBN registered book of abstracts will be published and distributed to participants.

Poster abstracts will be included in the abstract book if at least one of the authors is a registered congress participant.



early bird registration (up to April 1, 2016)           UV4Plants members: 150 €           non members: 210 €


late registration (up to May 25, 2016)                   UV4Plants members: 200 €           non members: 260 €


on site registration, cash only!                               300 € for all delegates


Onsite registration will be accepted in cash (Euro or Hungarian Forint) only.

Registration desk will be open between 14-19h at the welcome reception (venue to be announced) and between 8:30-16:00 on the 30th – 31st of May at the congress site.

Registration fees include a welcome drink in the evening of the 29th of May, tea breaks and lunch on the 30th and 31st of May and a closing dinner on the 31st of May.

Accompanying persons may join delegates during a welcome drink free of charge and at the closing dinner (30 Euro).

The latter can be paid either in advance, together with the delegate’s registration fee as onsite registration.




Please prepare the abstract according to the required format and do not exceed the space limit.

Send your abstract via email before 15 March, 2016 to

indicating your preference of oral or poster presentation.

Depending on the number of abstracts received, the scientific committee may suggest changing oral presentations to posters and vice versa.


Pécs is a popular tourist destination and accommodations are available in most price categories.

Participants are advised to make reservations early on.

Recommended hotels include:


Hotel Millennium

A four star wellness hotel near the historical city centre.

The conference venue is ca. 20 min on foot or can also be reached by public transportation.











Hotel Makár

Wellness hotel in a short walking distance from the conference venue.











Hotel Barbakán

A budget hotel in city centre, the conference venue is ca. 15 min on foot.

Optionally, city buses 30 or 130 can be reached in 2 min and conference site is three bus stops away.











Hotel Laterum

Budget hotel in the suburbs.

Hungarian website but English speaking staff (further information:












training school

PhD students and early stage researchers are cordially invited to the UV Training School following the UV4Plants Network Conference.

This two-day event includes lectures on the changing paradigm of plant UV research; basics of plant responses to UV at molecular, tissue, leaf and agronomic level.

Practical demonstrations will provide hands-on experience on selected measurement techniques and related calculus.

Lectures and practicals will be conducted on the 1 - 2 June, 2016, at the University of Pécs, at the Faculty of Sciences campus near the UV4Plants conference venue.

All tuition will be in English.

Confirmed lecturers include:


Andreas Albert (Helmholtz Zentrum München)


Pedro Aphalo (University of Helsinki)


Éva Hideg (University of Pécs)


Gábor Jakab (University of Pécs)


Marcel Jansen (University College Cork)


Susanne Neugart (Leibniz-Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, Großbeeren)


Matt Robson (University of Helsinki)


Péter Teszlák (University of Pécs)


In order to keep the Training School interactive, seats are limited to 30.

Applicants will be selected in the order in which they arrive, but preference will be given to PhD students who also participate the UV4Plants Network Conference.

Send applications, curriculum vitae and a short motivational letter including a summary of present or planned research activities to

Successful applicants will be notified and will be asked to pay a

100 € registration fee to cover expenses.

The registration fee includes tuition; handouts; tea breaks and lunch on both days;

and a closing dinner on the 2nd day.

Upon completing the course, participants will be given a certificate issued by the

Biology PhD School of the University of Pécs.




Anchor 1

Payment by Deposit or Electronic Bank Transfer* to:

*if given the payment option, please choose "Deposit" or "Electronic Transfer" rather than "Foreign Currency Payment" which incurs a fee.


Bank Name:             Nordea

Account Name:       UV4Plants

IBAN:                         FI5612283500006224


Bank Address:         NORDEA, Helsinki, City Corporate Branch,

                                   1228 Kanta-Hgin yrityk, Mannerheimintie 7,                                          00100, Helsinki, Finland


Membership and registration fees - Matt Robson (

Anything else - Éva Hideg, Gyula Czégény (


Marcel Jansen (


Gyula Czégény


Ádám Walla | Attila Rőder


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